Stem Cell Medicine Vs Traditional
Stem cell medicine is a type of treatment that uses different types of cells to treat
diseases sports.suratkhabar. It has the potential to cure or at least reduce symptoms of many disorders,
including cancer and autoimmune disease.

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In traditional medicine, a doctor treats an individual patient with herbs and other
medicines that the doctor believes to be effective However, these medicines may
not be safe or effective for everyone who uses them. Often these medicines are not
tested in clinical trials. This is an important concern because the medicines can be
dangerous, or even deadly.
Modern medicine is based on scientific research. Scientists test new drugs in animal
models that closely mimic human diseases to see how they work in humans. This
helps doctors and patients decide whether they should use the drug.
It also helps scientists understand the drug’s side effects and possible interactions
with other drugs, so they can prevent them from happening. In addition, they can
learn how well the drug works with other treatments.
A large number of people with cancer and other diseases have been cured by using
a procedure called a stem cell transplant. This type of stem cell transplant involves

taking blood cells from a donor, and re-infusing them into the body. These blood-
forming stem cells can help restore the blood system in people with a range of blood

and immune-related diseases, including cancers, lymphomas, and leukemia.
The most commonly used stem cell-based therapy is bone marrow transplantation.

These transplants have saved thousands of lives by treating cancer and other blood-
related diseases.

Some other kinds of stem cells are currently in clinical trials, and we don’t know yet
which kind is most effective for treating specific diseases. One type of stem cell,
known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), are made in the lab by genetically
reprogramming adult skin cells or other tissues. These cells are very similar to
embryonic stem cells.

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Another kind of stem cell, known as mesenchymal stem cells, is derived from cord
tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells are believed to have the ability to regenerate tissues
without triggering an immune response. These cells can be injected into the
bloodstream or implanted into the body.
These stem cells can help the body repair damaged tissues, organs, or bones. They
may also help the body fight off infections.
There are a growing number of so-called “stem-cell tourism” clinics overseas that
offer stem cell therapies for a wide variety of diseases. Some of these clinics have
been accused of using unproven or unsafe treatments that can lead to death or
serious infections.
Most of the people who used traditional medicine did not check whether the
medicines were safe and did not consider them as a substitute for prescription
drugs. They preferred to use these medicines because they were inexpensive and

easy to obtain, or because their religious affiliation favored them.
While it is important to remember that there are risks associated with all
treatments, there are ways to minimize them. The most important thing is to choose
a medical professional who has been properly trained and is licensed to practice
medicine in the country where you live.